A pond consists of a trapped body of water - perhaps created
naturally by a dip in the lie of the land - or man-made by using pond liners as
a water retention device. The function of a pond pump is to move and circulate
the water in the pond. This movement agitates the pond to avoid it becoming
settled and stagnant - it also helps to introduce additional oxygen into the
water. Oxygen in the water is vital to sustain life such as plants or fish. Once
an oxygen-rich pond has been created it is important to keep the pumping
process going if the pond contains wildlife as otherwise the sudden depletion
of oxygen can kill pond fish and other pond dwelling creatures. It is correct
that pond plants can create oxygen for a pond but this process is reversed
during the night when they take oxygen away from the pond. Also the amount of
oxygen created by such pond plants -sometimes referred to as pond oxygenators -
is generally quite low compared to the additional oxygen created by splashing
and moving the water via a pump. If you want to master your pond's eco-balance
then a pond pump is a vital piece of pond equipment. As well as the health
benefits this movement of water also offers up other opportunities. For
instance the water can be pushed through to a pond filter that can sieve out
dirt particles from the pumped water. (note: This process works best with
larger 'solids handling' pond pumps - these pumps sometimes referred to as
filter pumps can pump solid pieces of matter up to the pond filter where the
dirt is caught in the pond filter media). Alternatively the pumped water can
create a fountain - where the pumped water is pushed up through a fountainhead
and into the air creating a pleasing display. Using a fountain pump a
substantial amount of additional oxygen is added to the pond as the propelled
water falls back down and breaks the pond surface. Another way to create an
attractive natural looking feature is to create a waterfall - the cascading
water hits the pond surface and generates a good supply of bubbles and oxygen.
It is important to remember that some of the features discussed in this piece
can be combined. For instance, quite often a filter pump will be used to push
water up to a filter and the water will return via a waterfall after it has
been filtered. Similarly, larger fountain pumps will ship with a T-piece
allowing the flow to be adjusted between a fountain and waterfall or ornamental
- pond equipment
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- pond liners
- pond pumps
- pond filters
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